The Disused Canvas

2020 | Scattered Murals | Peng Chau


“The Disused Canvas” is an ongoing project that makes use of the urban canvas (i.e. leftover boards and materials) on Peng Chau collected from previous projects, neighbours and the abandoned furniture. A series of illustration is made on diverse surfaces to document the peculiar interaction between human and the animals that are inhabiting in the surrounding environment.

Material: Wood board, Tile, Broken stool, Glass


Every detail contributes to the story behind. Each canvas is deliberately arranged and staged to visualise the daily interaction orchestrated in a new scenario.

Chapter 01 - Male-Meow is a stray cat that stayed around because Mrs. Lee always fed him. He was old. He went disappeared five months ago and Mrs. Lee believed that he died of some diseases.

Chapter 02 - White-Leg-Meow is a female stray cat who used to stay around Male-Meow. They formed a lovely couple. She has become rather clingy to human ever since her partner went missing.

Chapter 03 - Bad-Bird is a pheasant who sometimes comes by and steals food from White-Leg-Meow.

Chapter 04 - Yellow-Meow is a newcomer three months ago. As a stray cat, he can be quite rude sometimes. He likes to mess around with White-Leg-Meow who, unfortunately, isn't too fond of him.

Chapter 05 - Siu-Dog is a pet dog of Mrs Ng. He is rather fierce even though he has a smaller body size than the cats. He barks with high pitch every afternoon at around 5pm when Mrs. Ng walks her to the beach nearby.

Chapter 06 - Lafite is a pet dog of Mr and Mrs Lee. He is growing old and had undergone several surgeries. He has recently become a close friend of White-Leg-Meow after Male-Meow went disappeared.


To be continued...

The Disused Canvas is a continuous urban project started from Peng Chau and will be expanding to other landscape fabric of the city.