The Strays

2020 | Illustration & GIF | NFTs


We turned a series of adorable moments of stray cats into illustrations and GIFs.


Available on Openseas: Link


White-Leg-Meow: She talks a lot, sometimes being very clingy, and comes by almost every other day at around 4pm.

Yellow-Meow: He loves having snacks. He can be fierce sometimes if other cats intrude his area.

Mole-Meow: She has a mole next to her mouth. She likes to sleep inside the bucket of a bike.

Fringe-Meow: She is picky and selective on food with a particular brand. She is getting chubbier because many people are feeding her.

Lun-Meow: He was adopted by Momo six years ago. He tries to look cool but he is actually very clingy and nosy.

"What's up there?" says Yellow-Meow.

"Left. Okay then right," says White-Leg-Meow

"Food. I want food," says Yellow-Meow.

"One, two, three. Turn," says White-Leg-Meow.

"What," says Yellow-Meow

"Stop doing selfie," says Fringe-Meow.

"Itchy. Always itchy," says Mole-Meow.

"Swinggg," says Lun-Meow.

All GIFs

"What's up there?" says Yellow-Meow.

"Left. Okay then right," says White-Leg-Meow.

"Food. I want food," says Yellow-Meow.

"One, two, three. Turn," says White-Leg-Meow.

"What," says Yellow-Meow.

"Stop doing selfie," says Fringe-Meow.

"Itchy. Always itchy," says Mole-Meow.

"Swinggg," says Lun-Meow.