2020 | Ceramic Object | Booked: Art Book Fair TaiKwun
This is a limited edition of the readable objects designed for our participation at Booked: Art Fair TaiKwun 2020.
Content of Zine:
One Day, The End
My Name is, The End
The Story Begins, The End
Material: Ceramic
Price: USD 20
Artwork Title: Zineramic
Artist: UUendy Lau & Hinz Pak
Copywriter: Hinz Pak
Typographer: UUendy Lau
Zineramic is the shortest readable material in the world.
Unlike any other books, Zineramic has got only two pages besides the front and back covers. The content is delicate. Please read with care. Zineramic explores our perception and interaction with a reading object and demonstrates the alternative criticality in content and material to readers with a human touch on the product "production" and a humorous reading journey.
“You don't have to flip a page.”
“It takes you 0.5 second to finish a book.”
“This is the smallest coffee book and it occupies the least space of your table.”
“⏳6-Minute read vs ⏱0.5-Second.”
“We are entering into a new era of reading when we commonly find articles specifying the estimated reading time.”
“⏳11 Minutes 28 Second vs ⏱0.5 Second.”
“We are passively changing our news(paper) reading pattern. Most of us have developed a shorter attention span and we tend to read only the headline without getting past to the main story.”
“⏳126 Days vs ⏱0.5 Second.”
“Reading encourages us to do thorough thinking and analysis. When we read a book, we can pause and slow down if we need to digest it and dig deeper.”