Dancing with Nature

2020 | Speculative Design | Design Trust Critically Homemade


Product/ Probe:

Dancing with Nature – A Healing Metronome


In times of crisis and massive change, we may find ourselves overwhelmed with growing fear and anxiety, hindering attention and productivity as negative thoughts dominate and routines become disrupted. Designed to serve as a therapeutic object, Dancing with Nature is a healing metronome that demonstrates an alternative pace of thinking and perform as an empowering probe that encourages users to reconsider their existing relationships with the nature environment, and explores new contexts for users to re-experience or reconnect with nature.

With the curiously contrasting motion performed between the geometrical mirror that spins slowly and a uniquely delicate piece of (fallen) leaf that rotates at a designated speed in opposite direction, the object naturally projects a pleasant view for users to look at and get detached from the surrounding bustle. Alongside the intriguing interactions, the device also gives a regular and soft beep sound that gently reinforces the imaginative context of a meditative presentation, resembling our heartbeats yet with a slightly slower and more calming pace. Through an engaging process of observation, imagination and immersion, this prototype initiates a speculative dialogue between humans and the environment that inquires the curious juxtaposition of dynamic motions and rhythms choreographed by the respective subjects.

User Manual:

1. Switch on the metronome. Allow yourself to pick up the rhythm gradually.

2. Relax and maintain regular breath.

3. Make personal observations: motions, encounters, reflections, or simply anything that draws your attention.

4. Immerse yourself slowly in the imaginative context. Embrace the alternative pace of thought.

5. Take your time.

6. Switch off the metronome after your practice.


Designer/ Artist: UUendy Lau

Technical Support: Hinz Pak


Material: Arduino, Motors, Wires, LED, Wood, Leaf, Mirror

Dimension: Approx. 12 x 19 x 20 cm


Limited Edition For Sale at COLOURLIVING: https://colourliving.shop/products/dancing-with-nature-a-healing-metronome


Exhibition & Auction

Date: 21 Sep - 4 Oct 2020

Venue: House Studio, 33 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan

Project Page: https://designtrust.hk/homemade_designers/042-dancing-with-nature-a-healing-metronome/

This is a community micro-initiative to collaborate with our community and to offer solutions to pressing social and environmental needs through creative means and critical making. This initiative is quite organic with the aim to grow into a community fundraiser for future support to our granting platform, and our support to the design community at large and test concepts of “circular giving”.

Design Trust provides flexible and responsive funding for creative projects and research initiatives that positively impact Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area region and internationally.



The energetic activity of nature induced by wind and the surrounding environment stimulates a self-expressive performance of choreography.


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